A bit about me. Hey. My name is Oleksandra, call me simply Sasha. I’m a Lausanne based commercial photographer, who is available for bookings in Lausanne, Geneve, all over the Switzerland and France. I have had a camera by my side for as long as I can remember. My focus is in fashion, beauty, portraits, art, and commercial photography. I prefer a minimalist approach with retouching which is why my works have a unique, natural, and timeless style. My work has appeared in many publications including ELEGANT, FADDYMAG, FEROCE, BE-PUBLIC, NOBLES, 7HUES and SHUBA magazines.
I’m open to new interesting projects and collaborations. I enjoy collaborating with other professionals.
Feel free to contact me for any free or commercial creative project.
Here you can check my recent Instagram posts.
To any questions please fill out Contact form or email directly at oleksandrakosenko.ok@gmail.com
Languages: EN, FR, UA, CZ.